hi my son is joining kindergarten starters in 2018 for kg1..I would like to change his school after kg2…which curriculum would be better to continue for him?cbse?icse?or ib?…as a matter of fact i would also like to know which is the best schools regarding all these curriculum too
hi my son is joining kindergarten starters in 2018 for kg1..I would like to change his school after kg2…which curriculum would be better to continue for him?cbse?icse?or ib?…as a matter of fact i would also like to know which is the best schools regarding all these curriculum too
Hi Silbyrosh,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, it is not easy to guide you in this respect. It is very much dependent on your and your family’s future plans. If you anticipate that you will return to India and your son will continue his education there, it probably makes sense to continue with one of the Indian curricula. If you think that an international college education is likely, then the IB would probably be a better option.
Whilst the CBSE is very structured and well regarded in India, the ICSE curriculum is probably closer to the IB in that there is a more cross-curricular approach and a broader range of options with greater opportunities to study a range of subjects that are not necessarily banded into Commerce, Science or Arts, but potentially offer a range of options that allows children to focus more broadly on their interests. The IB curriculum very much follows this direction – in fact one ISCE school in Dubai offers an option whereby students may switch to the IB Diploma programme for their final two years of study through a coached transfer programme.
You can find more details about the various curricula through our curriculum guides, but my advice would be that you visit the schools that offer the various curricula (which you can search on the Home Page) and find out more through discussion with the Admissions staff.