Can I switch schools mid year?

My child has been offered a place at our second choice school. She is on the waiting list of our first choice school. If a place becomes available at our first choice school, can I switch her during the school year?

Siobhan Farrell Default Asked on August 4, 2014 in Admissions.
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Some parents who have not successfully registered at the school of their first choice will take a seat with the idea of switching schools during the year.

Be cautious if that is your plan.

“The KHDA regulates student movement between schools and changing curriculums. If you are transferring within Dubai, you will need a transfer certificate. (If you are leaving Dubai, you may need a ‘student leaving certificate’ to prove the years of study in school in Dubai. In both cases, the school supply these and verify them through KHDA.)

There are specific dates issued by the KHDA each year that all Dubai schools must adhere to.

– Enrolled in a Dubai school and changing curriculum: 15 November.
– Changing schools within Dubai and staying in the same curriculum: 15 January
– For incoming international enrolments, the last date to enrol: 15 March
– Between 15 March and 15 April incoming international students were taken as individual exceptions by the KHDA
– All new enrolments stop date: 15 April

Moving schools mid-year is probably not ideal for any student but we understand that sometimes it has to happen.

Default Answered on May 3, 2015.
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