My child needs a tutor. Where can I find one?

2 Answer(s)

Firstly look on’s Ad section on the menu. Many tutors are advertising their services here – although we cannot comment on their effectiveness.

Finding a good tutor can prove tricky in a country where a private tutoring register or database doesn’t exist. Schools can often recommend an experienced tutor in your area, and UAE social websites and noticeboards in malls, schools, supermarkets are packed with ads for private tutors. The majority of tutors though still operate through word of mouth as it is more reassuring for a parent to have a recommendation from another parent who has used or is using a tutor.

Once you have found your tutor (and obviously checked their qualifications), it’s really important to make sure that your tutor and child hit it off, as this makes the learning process easier for both parties.

Speak to other parents and friends who have tutors
Search online – in our ad section, other good resources include, and which carry ads for tutors
Ask your school for official recommendations – they may have a list of preferred tutors
Ask any teacher friends for personal recommendations
Check out the community noticeboards in your local supermarket

There are also professional companies that now offer tuition services. These are likely to guarantee a certain standard, but will of course come at a premium. Carfax, a regular contributor to, would be a good example.

Default Answered on May 3, 2015.
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Check out – a global market place for online tutoring.  Find experts, tutors and graduates from top universities like LSE, Yale, Princeton, MIT and so on teaching online. Average price is around 30usd an hour.

As a parent, you can create your own guardian account and monitor your child’s progress, find the right tutor, make payments, see real reviews and more.

If you need any help finding a tutor, you can always email Good luck!

TeachMeNow Default Answered on June 23, 2015.
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